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Noise of Kids Jaman Now

Noise of Kids Jaman Now

Image source: Google
Lately the noise over posts from Generation micin or commonly called the generation of “kids jaman now”, make us all stroked chest and shook his head. The term micin generation is widely used to describe the behavior of people today that can’t be understood, especially in social media. For example children today who love to vent in social media, especially if accompanied by inappropriate words or photos like some photos posting below.
Can be said as poetry, this is because the generation of micin always use excessive majas in their post caption especially about love. They seemed to have understood correctly about love when there are still under age. Not infrequently children today in elementary school bench already dare to upload photos intimate with someone who’s recognized as his girlfriend or her boyfriend. Those who’re underage, stylish as adults, just look at the picture post above. Come to think of it, ought at their age to focus on the lesson. The number of negative comments netizen on their posts didn’t need to be asked again.
The cause may come from internal factors, one of which is the lack of parental supervision. The first thing that can indeed lead to the emergence of micin generation who often do things outside the boundary is due to the lack of parental control, well maybe this cause is often the case due to negligence of parents where they lack the proper love and direction and always control the activities of his son or daughter. Therefore the control of parents is of course very important especially for the age that is still spelled out in the course of their exact growth can’t distinguish what is good and which is bad.
External factors can be the environment, many young people who have bad habits such as smoking, use a vape, underage dating and also not infrequently there are to drink because of their environment that is already familiar with these activities. Surely it will be difficult to avoid especially with the environment of parents who also do it like smoking, of course many children who are curious to try it and certainly while there’s a chance of this micin generation children will try it.
In addition, external factors that greatly affect’s no spectacle. with the rapid technology in our time this will certainly make it easier for all people to enjoy a technology, well that's why many underage children who often watch things they shouldn’t know. Just like for example on youtube, a lot of rough content uploaded by youtubers where indeed many underage children who watch it resulted in the appearance of dirty words and embedded in the brain and this’s what makes the mouth of the original child well turned into the mouth generation of moment-destructive micin and many other extraterrestrial factors.
It should be emphasized, the emergence of this micin generation can’t be left alone. Because it can affect other generations and may be unconsciously slowly the generation of this micin has begun to damage the generation of immigrants, so don’t underestimate this and begin to care about the lives of our young generation. (ARA)


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