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My Diary This Week

Pleasant though alone
Diary entry, Thursday 14th December 2017’s.
The task this time I think is quite complicated but fun too. Because this task is done as well as refreshing a visit somewhere. From this assignment I get a lot of what I can make my experience as a student of Communication Studies. Yes, this is the world of communication majors, the lesson is relaxed but focused. I had already predicted it, that these were the tasks assigned to college student of communication. Serious but relaxed and fun. Moreover, this course of study is part of my ideals.
Tonight I want to finish my taks, which is taking video activity of non verbal communication to be analyzed then made into one kind of short video with standard duration 10 minutes. After that, it is presented in front of the class as an independent assignment before the semester exam. I'm confused, in which location would I take this video?
Because the presetation has started 2 weeks ago, so the time I need to finish it is very limited. Indeed I've got some video on campus, it's just still very less to be used as a 10-minute video is. Finally, I also decided go to a place that is very possible in the completion of this task, Jogja City Mall.
Yes, without a second thought I chose that place and I plan to go there alone by using the services of Grab. When I got there, I went straight to my taks. I must be more sensitive to the situation there to get their activities included in the task.
Hmm... Okay, do the work while visiting this place for refreshing. Apparently a lot of activities that I get. I enjoy this task, I feel free and this is very fun. Maybe this's the task of my aspirations in the future of broadcasting. In fact, I reckoned many unexpected events that tickled my stomach. Not enough was enough I took a video of their activities and as a payment for my fatigue, I bought a favorite bread there.
Before returning home to the boarding house right at, I enjoy this bread while sitting between the steps of the front entrance of Jogja City Mall. I enjoyed the atmosphere and didn't feel the bread was gone. I will soon go home with Grab service. Because I have to analyze it and also many more tasks that I have to finish. The point of this task is, I enjoy it and get lessons as experience.

Annisa Ridha Apriliany

Diary entry, Friday 15th December 2017’s.
Tonight I just finished the advanced analysis task and made the video I got yesterday. I downloaded the video editing app, luckily it can get installed quickly. Unfortunately editing the video isn’t as fast as to install the application. Plus when the storage process also takes a long time. I got many times to save the video just because there are some errors in the preparation.
As I corrected the arrangement again, I rolled back the video from scratch. In the middle of the video, I fell asleep in front of the laptop with a position on the carpet.
Just around 11:50 pm, I wake up and startled. Because suddenly there was an earthquake. It was so terrible because I fell asleep on the carpet. I immediately went out and the whole boarding house was assembled and surprised. "What happened?", "What was that earthquake?".
I immediately took my phone and told my parents in Tarakan city. It's just that my phone’s not answered, because they're all asleep. Plus there 1 hour faster than the western regions of Indonesia.
Then I tried to tell my boyfriend who was in Makassar city. I sent Whatsapp message to him, long enough he responded. Naturally, the time was also the same as Tarakan, the hour that he must have been asleep. Unexpectedly he immediately called me even though in a state of heavy drowsiness. He woke up from his sleep and called me, asked me how I was here. After calling him easily eased my fears, by giving some of his joke in Whatsapp message. Until we fell asleep again until the morning the day. Thank you, I'm sorry I woke your sleep, hehe... 😁

Annisa Ridha Apriliany

My Wish Fulfilled
Diary entry, Saturday 16th December 2017’s
During my stay in Yogyakarta, somehow my appetite increased unusually. Tonight I want to eat a burger. Then I checked it in go-food. Looks like ordering at Mister Burger’s also okay. I also invite a friend of the next room in my boarding house for a shared message. In order for the shipping cost can be cheaper. As a result she also willing to participate in reservations. At first she was confused to order grilled sausages or burgers. But finally she chose to order the same burger as me. It's just that she chose chicken meat while ordering beef.
The plan goes on and in the end I can fulfill my wishes tonight, ie eating burgers. Alhamdulillah 😋

Annisa Ridha Apriliany


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