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Diary: You're Came and Replaced The Failure of My Day

Not According To Plan
Diary entry, Friday 24th November 2017’s.
I had planned to spend the night in my father's relative's house, Mr. Kustaman, my dad's coworker while still working in Tarakan City, before he moved here. I’m also getting ready for it. I did not forget to clean my bedroom before leaving for a few days. The house is quite far from my boarding house, Jl. Kaliurang km 9.5. They told me that if I wanted to go home, Mas Yoga would pick me up at my boarding house. This is because I don’t know the way to get there. After that I contacted Mrs. Kustaman, and I waited for a long answer. Since she isn’t at home, there’s a need to be solved. It turns out that the answer I expect doesn’t fit the plan, because Mas yoga can’t pick me up to stay to his house. Cause his full course schedule today. Mrs. Kustaman told me until 7:00 pm, Mas Yoga had not returned home.
It's okay, maybe I can stay another time. I stay in my boarding house and do my activities as usual, is sleep hahahaa... 😄

Annisa Ridha Apriliany

Right On Target
Diary entry, Saturday 25th November 2017’s.
Life doesn’t taste, if without a problem. From a problem, our eyes can be more open about life that can make a person more mature and wise, and as a lesson in the future. Lately I have some problems that I don’t think I can handle on my own. I feel so weak and slumped over the problem. I shared this story with my best friend, but I still feel unfinished about it. I was looking for another way, and I got it. I don’t know why I got the idea, ask for help with him, who is he? One of my friend also in Instagram, just long enough to just know but don’t know him more deeply. We come and live in the same city, but never met at all. He is a year older than me, yes he is a senior class but we are different school. Some time ago we sent each other direct messages and at a glance I thought maybe he could help me. Hope it works as I wish.
Fortunately for me, he gladly helped me and solved my problem. Thanks to him, I feel better than before. He listens to me, he gives a solution, he encourages me, and he is ready to help me. "Is there any more trouble? Tell me everything". Right on target, I don’t choose wrong. The first one knows for a moment and now I can get to know him deeper 😁

Annisa Ridha Apriliany

Calling With Him
Diary entry, Sunday 26th November 2017’s.
I have told everything by phone. How not, though coming from the same city, we are studying in different cities. He's in Makassar and I'm here in Yogyakarta. Call and send each other messages, ways to connect each other apart by distance. He called me tonight and asked me to tell you all the problems I'm facing right now. He gave me suggestions and just kept motivating me. I admired him, somehow his words made me unable to argue. All the responses are correct until I can no longer refuse. Shortly serious, he would soon be melting away during the call. When I started to get confused, he assured me. When I'm tense, he makes me laugh. He finishes everything. I feel better than before. As we share stories, we know each other. He was so open with me and became my faithful listener. It was the first time I had known a man like him.
We spent an hour just chatting on the phone together at midnight precisely before bed. I think he's a good man, and his handsome face is a plus for him. I often upload his picture in whatsapp's story, and because it raises questions for those of my friends. "Who is he for you? He's a very handsome man. Is he your boyfriend?" they said. I just said he was my brother. I don’t know why. I can’t explain it, if anyone asks about it, I just smile 😊

Annisa Ridha Apriliany


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