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This's My Diary :)

I Can’t See and I Don’t Know Anything?
Diary entry, Thursday 28th September 2017’s.
This’s exhausting day. Course schedule’s full of morning until evening. There are four chourses that I’ve to follow today. That’s no problem, it’s fun for me. Because I can spending my time in my university with my friends.
When I finished collage today, I feel so tired plus the rain on afternoon until evening. If like this, I want to sleep. I am back to kost, and I got calling by my Dad. He’s called me and said my parcel will arrive at my kost. When I am open the door, my parcel’s coming. I took it and said thanks to them. Also I invited Mas Yoga and Mbak Cindy to sit in living room.
I am surprised! I don’t know anything. A few minute later, my Dad’s come with bring lots of my favorite foods. I really can’t explain my feeling at the time. Of course, I am touched and happy. They laughed at me and I can’t said anymore. I am very happy of your arrival dad. Thank you for everything!

Annisa Ridha Apriliany

Everywhere There’s Foods
Diary entry, Friday 29th September 2017’s.
Food, food, and food. That’s right everywhere there’s foods. But is my favorite foods and snacks. I said to my dad, if I want snack by Malaysia which one of my favorite snacks. There’s cadburry hot chocolate drink, oat chocos, milo, diary milk chocolates, crackers and milk tea drink. But he’s told me that was can’t for bring it. Because he left it to his colleague. Finally he’s bring for me too haha.
I got confused, how to spend of all my snacks. Let it go, of course I’ll eating it of all my snacks. Thanks dad! My bedroom full of my favorite snack can for a long time hehe.

Annisa Ridha Apriliany

Oh My God, Dad’s Coming!
Diary entry, Saturday 30th September 2017’s.
Today, I am very happy ever before. Are you know what my reason of talking about it?
Which daughters so happy if her dad came suddenly. For the first time, I feel it. I don’t know why, I can’t explain my feeling. To the point I’am so “very very very” happy. My father’s coming after finishing his job in Surabaya City.
The next day, Dad and I spending time together. Although only until Wednesday, for me it’s very meaningful. He take me for a walk to Jogja City Mall. Because I want to buy some shirts. Yeah that’s my planning. But finally, not like this. Which first planning I just want to buy some shirts, he’s so tell me for take more. That’s so make me happy, because he’s always meet my request.
I don’t know next day until his what kind of last day in here. I think for sure, my dad will not wasted his visit here. One sentence for you dad, I Miss U So Much!

                                                                                                            Annisa Ridha Apriliany

For the First Time Used Minus Glasses
Diary entry, Sunday 1st  October 2017's.
Today's first time I am used Minus Glasses. Yeah, left and right's -0.5. I check my eyes at Tugu optick also buy new glasses. Now, I can't reading without glasses. All I see be blurred without glasses. But when I don't reading, I don't use glasess. Cause I don't want to depend on using it. My dad said, "you must eating vegetables for my eyes". Actually, used glasses it's uncomfortable for me. I wish my eyes can back to normal again. So no longer wearing glasses when I am reading.

Annisa Ridha Apriliany

My Dad’s Cleaning Up My Bedroom
Diary entry, Monday 2nd October 2017’s.
When I back to kost, all in my bedroom so change. That all cause my dad. He’s change position furniture in my room and cleaning up too. He told me if he will change all for looks spacious. Also, if my bedroom looks so dirty. But I think no like that. Cuase I feel comfortable like this. He bought me everythings I needed in my room. So that I can feel more comfortable, before he back to Tarakan, North Kalimantan on Wednesday. I think his said that’s right. I can feel more comfortable after he change position furniture in my room. Sure, I’ll feel it like your saying to me until I finish my college in here.

Annisa Ridha Apriliany


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